Sunday, September 12, 2010

Altered Books

I have had many hobbies over my life. Art and literature are to of the ones that have had the greatest impact on who I am. Even though I'm a math teacher, I like the thought that it is possible to be mathematically inclined as well as artistically inclined. I believe that one can set their own limits, or refuse to accept pre-conceived limits and thus live in a limitless world! I do not accept limits!!!

My newest hobby is in its infancy, and I am enjoying it so far. It is the art of taking an old book, and instead of pitching it into the trash, turn it into a work of art.

At this point in time I have two projects. The first is a small book given to me by the librarian at the high school where I teach. It is called Math Is Fun, and I'm trying to illustrate the puns I use often in my math classes. This one is an ongoing project and I have ideas that it will get to be quite elaborate.

The second project is the Swiss Family Robinson. In this one I am taking the story, and turning it into a much shorter story, and illustrating it with paintings. I'm not sure how this one is going to evolve, but the joy of disccovery is a big part of this for me.